
Approaches for teaching vocabulary

Today we learned about two approaches for teaching vocabulary: the present and learn and the Learning through Input Approach. You can see a PowerPoint presentation of the approaches here. I would like to tell you about the strengths and weaknesses of each approach as well as the approach I would use as a Junior High School English teacher.

First, I will talk about the strengths and weaknesses of the Teaching and Learn Approach.
・ It is intelligible because it uses cards or charts.
・ It is passive.

Second, I will talk about the strengths and weaknesses of the Learning through Input Approach.
・It is easy to memorize.

・Some students understand many vocabulary, but the others can nat understand.

Lastly I would use both of these two methods for teaching vocabulary. Because it compensate each demerit with each merit.


Golden Week was Soccer Week.

I belong to soccer club. I had practice match every day. So I was tired,and I only went to bed. But Monday is pradtice day off. So I go to have a drink, heal my body ,and bond with my soccer friend.
Practice starts from Tuesday. Do my best because I love soccer.